Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Does Healthcare reform = a better America?

This has been a debate for more then 50 years and is still raging. President Obama spoke to the media about the bill that is moving Congress, but he really did not clarify anything behond stage one. Some conservatives insist this is true socialized medicine, but it is not. This bill does not legislate a single payer system (free medical care) and thank God. One of my favorite writers, Thomas Sowell, makes a great point when he points that people commonly mix health care and medical care. There is no doubt that the United States has the best medical care in the world. On the other hand, we do not have the best health care (obesity, alcoholism, etc.) This health care is part of our society and this reform will do very little, at best, to change this. Also, I heard from Nancy Pelosi, on Capitol Hill, that the are going to use cost controls as a tool to slow inflation. Wow!, I about lost it. I will tell you one class she never took in college and that is "Principles of Economics." She and her Liberal Democrats buddies do not care that cost controls will only inflate prices even more in the future. But she does not think or care about anything past the next election cycle. Why should she? If cost controls are put in place it will reduce the amount of supply available because who wants to supply a product at a below market price. This will lead to inflation of goods and rationing of care. I do have some words for the Republicans, they need to join the cause. With a "philibuster proof" Senate they need to do everything they can to put their "mark" on the bill. I do agree with the President that something needs to be done, whether that is this bill or not. The Congress needs to take its time and think carefully what they are doing. America does not need another out of control entitlement program to slow this country down. So in closing we need to be careful where we walk and take our time fixing a problem that is key to this countries future success.

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